Oaklee provides a range of social housing for rent
throughout Ireland including; housing for families, single
people, elderly people and people with a physical or
intellectual disability. We currently have a stock of
2,300 properties in various locations across the
Republic of Ireland.
Our Housing
We currently have a stock of 2,300 properties in various locations across the Republic of Ireland. Oaklee is committed to delivering as much quality, affordable homes as possible to assist those in housing need.
If you are aged over 55 and want to remain living in your community with the added benefits of security, independence, peace of mind and support as required, then you may be interested in living in one of our sheltered housing schemes. To be eligible for sheltered housing you must be: Over 55 years old (In some developments over 60), eligible to be included on a Local Authority housing waiting list, or an existing Housing Association or Local Authority tenant who would like to transfer to a sheltered housing property.
Eligible applicants who wish to return to Ireland from overseas (through the Safe Home programme) may also be considered. We believe that it is important that older people are provided with the opportunity to remain living as independently as possible. Sheltered housing is purpose-built housing that allows residents to live independently, with the help of some additional supports. All of our sheltered housing schemes are integrated within the wider community giving older people access to the facilities that they require while also feeling part of a community.
The term 'General Needs Housing' is used to describe housing for rent that is suitable for anyone over the age of 16 who does not require any help or support, including single people, couples or families. The accommodation is normally provided in a self – contained bungalow, house, flat or maisonette form.
Need to Apply?
Oaklee do not take applications directly as they must be done through local authorities. The housing information page is dedicated to the process and can help guide you.
Housing Team
Emma McCormick
Housing Services Manager
Emma McCormick
Housing Services Manager
Susan Byrne
Senior Housing Officer
Susan Byrne
Senior Housing Officer
Sandra White
Housing Officer
Sandra White
Housing Officer
Alex Walker
Housing Officer
Alex Walker
Housing Officer
Bobby Ahern
Housing Officer
Bobby Ahern
Housing Officer
Robbie Bermingham
Housing Officer
Robbie Bermingham
Housing Officer
Angela Lynch
Housing Officer
Angela Lynch
Housing Officer
Sarah-Louise Grey
Housing Officer
Sarah-Louise Grey
Housing Officer
Richard Mealey
Resident Engagement Officer
Richard Mealey
Resident Engagement Officer
Deirdre Boylan
Scheme Co-Ordinator
Deirdre Boylan
Scheme Co-Ordinator
Cost Rental
Cost rental housing provides affordable rented accommodation to people on middle incomes.