Need to Apply?

Oaklee do not take applications directly as they must be done through local authorities. The housing information page is dedicated to the process and can help guide you.

How to Apply

You should make an application to the Local Authority where you live. You can find contact details for each of the Local Authorities here.

The Local Authority will issue you with an application form. When completing the application form you should consider applying for different types of social housing including Local Authority and Housing Associations to increase your chances of being made an offer of suitable accommodation.

Please make sure you tick the boxes marked ‘Rented Local Authority Accommodation’ and ‘Voluntary/Co-operative Housing’ on the form if you wish to be considered for all social Housing providers in your area.

Find Local Authority

You will be asked to select a number of areas where you would like to live. You should think carefully about the areas you choose, ensuring that they will meet your needs in relation to amenities and proximity to transport links, schools and family support. You should also make enquiries in relation to the length of waiting lists in your areas of preference as in some areas the waiting time might be several years and for other areas it may be much shorter.

The Local Authority will complete an assessment of your application and will consider; your household income to see if you are eligible to join the list, your present accommodation and it’s condition and any special circumstances which mean that your property is no longer suitable for your needs.

In general, you must already be living in the Local Authority area or have a local connection with the area where you are applying – though in certain circumstances a local authority may agree to waive this requirement.

If you are eligible for social housing, the Local Authority will confirm this in writing, place you on their housing waiting list and advise you of your position on the list.

Housing is usually allocated to applicants in order of priority and length of time on the list. Priority on waiting lists is normally given to families and older people or people with a disability rather than singles and couples without children. Your position on the list will be affected by the circumstances of other people on the waiting list and by changes in your own situation.

When a vacancy arises within Oaklee’s stock, we will request suitable nominations from the Local Authority’s housing waiting list.

Vacancies can arise in Oaklee’s stock via a number of avenues;

  • New stock has been acquired or

  • when an existing tenant moves out of one of our properties

  • It should be noted that as we have a limited amount of stock, vacancies do not arise very often.

If your name is nominated by the local authority, the Local Authority and Oaklee will contact you to provide you details regarding the vacancy. If you are interested in being considered for the vacancy we will invite you to attend an interview. Following the interview, if you receive a clear Garda check and the property is suitable for your needs we will confirm in conjunction with the local authority which applicants will receive an offer of housing.

If you would like further information on the housing application process, please visit the Citizens Information website