Privacy Statement

1. Who are we

Oaklee is an Approved Housing Body and registered charity whose principal activities are in the provision of social housing. When we talk about “Oaklee”, “us” or “we” in this statement, we are talking about Oaklee of 132 James’ Street, Dublin 8, and we are the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act, 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Legislation.

We are responsible for collecting, processing, storing and safe-keeping personal and other information as part of our business activities. We are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy and this privacy statement explains how we collect, store and use your personal data and the rights you have in relation to the protection of your personal data.

2. What is personal data

Personal data is information relating to an identified person or a person that we can identify (directly or indirectly) from that data alone or in combination with other identifying information we possess or can reasonably access.

3. The lawful bases for processing data

In order to process someone’s personal data, there must be a lawful basis for doing so. There are six lawful bases recognised, and these are:

a) You have agreed or explicitly consented to the use of your data in a specific way. You may withdraw your consent at any time.

b) Use is required in relation to a service or contract you have entered into e.g. a tenancy agreement or a contract of employment.

c) Use of your data is required because we have to comply with a legal obligation e.g. reporting to regulatory authorities or law enforcement.

d) Use of your data is required in order to protect your vital interests in certain circumstances.

e) Use of your data is required for our organisation’s legitimate interests e.g. management of our properties.

f) Use of your data is required for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

4. Who do we collect information from

We do not collect any personal data about you when you use our website, except from the information which you volunteer for example by emailing us using the contact form or applying for job vacancies.

There are other ways in which we collect and use your information, depending on the service we are providing. These include:

  • When you apply for a home

  • When you sign a tenancy agreement

  • Through ongoing contact with you during your tenancy

  • When you access services by logging onto our website

  • If you lodge a complaint

  • If you are involved with legal proceedings that concern Oaklee

5. What information do we collect

We may collect, process and store information such as:

  • Name, date of birth, Personal Public Service Number, photographs, contact details

  • References from landlord or support providers

  • Details of other family members living in our properties

  • Rent payments made

  • Requested repairs

  • Application or referral forms

  • Tenancy agreements

  • Physical and mental health matters

  • Complaints or compliments about our services

  • Allegations of anti-social behaviour

  • Correspondence involving our residents, services users, staff, other agencies etc.

  • Recordings of telephone calls made to the organisation

  • CCTV images or recordings

Some of the information we collect about you might include sensitive personal data. This is known as “Special Category Data” under the GDPR, and includes information which reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health conditions, sexual activities or orientation, biometric or genetic data and personal data relating to criminal offences and convictions. Processing such data will require to legal bases including of the six listed above, but also one or more of the following conditions:

a) Processing is necessary for exercising specific rights of the organisation or an individual in terms of employment, social security and social protection.

b) Processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

c) Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

d) Processing is necessary for preventative or occupational medicine, diagnosis, provision of health or social care or treatment, or the management of such systems.

e) Processing is necessary to protect an individual’s vital interests where they are legally incapable of providing consent.

f) Explicit, clear and unambiguous consent has been given by the individual.

6. How do we keep your information safe

We are committed to holding your personal information securely. Our security measures comply with the law and recognised international standards. We work on the basis of least privilege access, which means access is given only to those that need it and our computers. Physical file storage is subject to safeguards, such as secure premises and filing systems.

7. Who do we share your information with

We will only share your personal data which you have volunteered through the use of our website if it is a legal or regulatory requirement.

We may share your personal data where we have contracted a third party to carry out specific services on our behalf in order to perform our obligations to you. This might include:

  • Maintenance contractors who carry out repairs to your home

  • Local authorities

  • The Health Service Executive

  • An Garda Síochána

  • Our professional advisors

  • Revenue Commissioners

  • Utility companies

  • Fire services

  • Support agencies

We are committed to ensuring that your information is kept secure, and we will apply appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to personal data. We have established procedures in place to deal with any suspected data breach, and we will notify you and the Data Protection Commission of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

Where it is necessary to share personal data with a third party, this data sharing will be governed by a contract which will include strict data sharing and confidentiality protocols.

8. How long do we keep your information for

We will not hold your personal information for longer than is necessary. We retain your personal information for as long as we need it for the purposes described in this statement, or to comply with our obligations under applicable law and, if relevant, to deal with any claim or dispute that might arise between you and us. The relevant retention periods are set out in the Oaklee Retention Period Policy.

9. Your rights

You have a range of rights under data protection law in relation to how we process your data. These rights are as follows:

  • To be informed

We will be open and transparent about how and why we use your personal data

  • Access to your information and copies of your information

You have a right to ask us what personal information we hold about you and to request a copy of your information. This is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR).

  • To have your information corrected and updated if required

  • To object to a particular use of your information in certain circumstances

  • To obtain a portable copy of your information

You have the right to have data provided to you in a commonly used electronic form where the processing is carried out by automated means. Oaklee does not carry out automated data processing or profiling.

  • To withdraw consent (where your information is processed on the basis of consent)

  • Erasure i.e. the right to be forgotten

In some circumstances, you can ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing. We will balance the request against our need to continue processing the data. Our decision will also be guided by the provisions of our retention policy.

10. How to exercise your rights

If you have any queries about the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us. Oaklee has implemented a data subject access request process which can be initiated through your direct contact with Oaklee.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer at or call us at 01 400 2650. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Data Protection Commission at:

Lo call 1890 252 231

Data Protection Commission,
Canal House,
Station Road,
R32 AP23,
Co. Laois.