

As an Oaklee resident, you must pay your rent in advance if paying every week, monthly, according to your tenancy conditions.

Difficulty Paying

If you are having difficulties paying your rent, we can arrange a payment plan to help you, The sooner we know, the more we can do to help you. We agree on payment plans on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us on 01 400 2650 or email us below at

Ways to Pay

You can ask to have a standing order form, you can then set this up with your bank to have the rent deducted weekly and monthly (please note for monthly payments you need to be 1 month in credit) please call 01 400 2650 or email to request this or click below to download one.

If you are in receipt of Social Welfare payments can have your rent automatically deducted every week by Household Budget. Please call 01 400 2650 or email to request this or click the link below to download, you can then return this form back to your nearest post office where they can set this up.

You can pay your rent on our website all you need is your 5 digit rent account number (this can be found on the back of your payment swipe card or at the top of your rent statement) just click on the link below.

Rent Arrears

If you fall behind with your rent, Oaklee will begin the first stages of our process notifying you of your rent arrears to bring your payments up to date, in addition, we will also try to make contact via email or text advising you on your rent arrears.

If you are having difficulty paying your rent and are in danger of falling into arrears, please contact us as soon as you can. We can give you advice and support to get your rent back under control. It is important that your rent arrears are prevented and is rectified quickly to prevent Oaklee from potentially having to take further action against you and notifying the RTB – Residential tenancy board.

In the later stages of the Oaklee process, you will be given 28 days from the date the letter has been issued to pay the full amount of your rent arrears. Oaklee Housing legally must notify the RTB - Residential tenancy board that this letter has been issued to you, they will correspondingly write to you as well about the notification received.

If you are unable to pay your rent arrears in full as stated in the warning letter by the expired time, you need to contact Oaklee Housing as soon as possible for us to assist you further and arrange a payment agreement to resolve the matter. Please call 01 400 2650 or email

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You will be given 28 days to vacate your property and then a further 24 hours of the termination date to vacate and give up possession of the above dwelling. Oaklee Housing legally must notify the RTB - Residential tenancy board that this letter has been issued to you, they will correspondingly write to you as well about the notification received.

You must then contact the Residential Tenancies Board under Part 6 of the Residential Tenancies Acts 2004 to 2020 within 28 days from the date of receipt of it. If you wish to dispute the validity of the notice, you must submit a dispute resolution application to the RTB for them to review the case.

Oaklee housing is still open to assisting your with your tenancy and your rent arrears to get you back on track, please call us on 01 400 2650 or email where we can try and resolve the matter.

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We understand that life can bring unexpected changes, especially when it comes to your income and employment situation. If your income has changed due to starting or ending employment, increased/reduced hours or going onto social welfare and any other circumstances, we are here to help tailored to your specific needs.

To get started, we encourage you to reach out to us either by phone at 01 400 2650 or by sending an email to Once you contact us, we will promptly send you a change of circumstances form designed to gather the necessary information from your household. It's important for everyone in your household to participate and submit their income details when completing the form.

This allows us to re-assess your rent based on your current situation. Remember, this process also applies if someone in your household moves out or starts employment or training schemes.

If you're considering adding someone to your property, please obtain permission from your housing officer before proceeding.

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We always recommend to our residents that if they are struggling financially that they contact MABS – Money Advice and Budgeting Service.

This free organisation can assist with your current- in-goings and out - goings to help organise your finances. You can contact them on 0818 07 2000 it is completely free, independent, and confidential, they are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

You can also visit their website at for more information.

What is the Residential Tenancies Board?

The Residential Tenancies Board, also known as the RTB, is a public body set up to support and develop a well-functioning rental housing sector. Our remit extends to the private rental, Approved Housing Body (AHB), and Student Specific Accommodation sectors.

Our role is to regulate the rental sector, provide information and research to inform policy, maintain a national register of tenancies, resolve disputes between tenants and landlords, initiate an investigation into conduct by a landlord, and provide information to the public to ensure tenancies run smoothly and no issues arise.


All private residential landlords and Approved Housing Bodies (who are not-for-profit housing providers, often referred to as Housing Associations) and landlords of Student Specific Accommodation must register their tenancies with the RTB. You can search to see if a tenancy is registered on the RTB website, The registration of tenancies enables the RTB to collect important data on the sector. It is also a key part of regulating and supporting the sector and ensuring that landlords and tenants are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Information on the Dispute Resolution

Since 2004, the RTB replaced the courts in dealing with the majority of disputes between landlords and tenants through our Dispute Resolution Service. This service offers a choice of resolution types to parties – Telephone - Mediation or Adjudication – and the option to appeal through a Tenancy Tribunal.