26 Sep 2016

There are plenty of ways to save money or to help you live within your budget!

Everyone can make savings by following some simple steps to manage your money better. Below are some handy tips to help you save a few Euros, from saving money on your utility bills, car, phone, TV and groceries to getting the best return on your savings. Try even one or two of these money saving tips to see if they can make a difference to your budget:

  • Keep a money diary for a few months. Write down every penny spent and at the end of each month see where the income you have is going and where you could make changes.
  • Join supermarket loyalty programmes to receive money off vouchers.
  • Do your grocery shopping 
online instead of going to 
the shops. 
This helps you to avoid buying items
you don’t need or going into other shops.
  • Develop a menu plan for the week. That way you only buy what you are going to use and won’t end up wasting as much food.
  • If you have a TV/broadband/ phone package, check your package and see if you really need it. You might find that a cheaper package will suffice or change your supplier.
  • Use a comparison site online. Check energy costs and special offers from electric/gas suppliers and switch provider.
  • Switch to energy efficient light bulbs. Although they cost more, they use only 20% of energy and last 15 times longer.
  • Switch your current account to save on fees and switch your savings account to
get more interest.
  • Use the budgeting tools on the MABS website (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) www.mabs.ie
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